Saturday, February 22, 2014

We Are One

We are all the same.
Although we come from different backgrounds and experience different obstacles in our lives, I believe we are the same. We are all teenagers who are rambling to find a place in this world. 

I know that for me, coming from a different culture compared to my peers, I have tried to fit in all my life. This ideology has created another side to me; from the way I act to the things I say. To be honest, like many others I am very self conscious, especially of the way I talk, as english is my second language. All these years of trying to assimilate into this society has plastered mask on me. Those who has known me for a while know how mute I was during my first few years at school; I barely talked much even with my closest friends. Throughout the years, my thoughts and feelings have always been contradictory. I was an attention seeker as a child, but when I came into a completely new surrounding, I wasn't so sure anymore. I like attention( I mean, who doesn't), but my constant fear of being looked down and bullied prevented me from revealing myself. Although, I was a native born citizen, I was not exposed to the American culture until third grade. Unconsciously in my youthful mind, I was jealous of the "cool" kids and wanted to be like them. I wanted the vast friendships they had and their outgoing personalities. It was only with the arrival of genuine friends like DJ, did I realize that being "cool" was not important and having one true friend outweighed all the others who were just "friends". From then on, alongside the growing friendships and my improvement in English, my mask that I put on began to disintegrate. 

Each year a piece of my mask falls off and I reveal a sliver of my  inner self. This journey of scavenging for the true me is extensive but worthwhile, and it is only through the encouragements and kindness from people like you guys that I obtain the confidence to show others another facet of me. Through the reflections people gave during this trip, I came to understand that as teenagers and young adults of great will and unlimited passion, all we need is the right people, joyful memories, and a little guidance.

There are still many pieces of me that have yet to be displayed. Until I gain full confidence and courage, I will try my best to sustain my transformation. I believe through patience, hardships, and love I will eventually be able to fully remove my mask and I know that others like me can do it as well. 

Remember, we are the same. No one should feel left out because we all reach for the same goal. The goal to find the true place where we belong. 

-Linda Zheng

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