Thursday, February 20, 2014

Freedom From My Own Mind

Brash. Loud. Talkative. Confident. I tend to be this one sided extrovert who seems to be in a perpetual good mood back home. I use humor and a smile to attempt to talk to anyone, probably because I am an attention seeker who loves the sound of my own voice. But everyday I've reached a point at my work site where I am working by myself in silence, alone with my thoughts. On every other service learning trip I've been on I craved conversation, and couldn't stand a menial task without a good conversation to accompany it. But there's been a change in me this year and I find myself perfectly content to be alone with my work, listening to the radio and not thinking. As a constant worrier, this clear mind is paradise. In my service I have found an escape from the constant fear of insignificant and unimportant consequences. I am being the change without the fear that I'll miss a homework assignment, or I won't get into my top choice college, or I'll make some poor decision at this vital point in my life that can destroy all I have worked for. Service is my freedom from my own mind. Unlike at any other place, I can take deep breaths, and paint for hours without a care in the world.

Katherine Koulopoulos

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